
We implement our own strict quality control standards for properly pruning trees, shrubs and ground-cover plantings to provide optimum health and appearance for your plants. We recommend selective pruning and shaping so shrubs and ground-cover plantings will be pruned and shaped through the year. Flowering trees and shrubs will be pruned after blooming to ensure you are able to fully enjoy the blooming season, and we similarly cut back ornamental grass as part of bed preparation or spring cleanup process.

We also offer services to curb woodland encroachment for properties with many mature trees or homes located near heavily wooded areas.

Our goal is to never prune at a time that may take away from the potential beauty your plantings produce. Flowering shrubs will be pruned as appropriate for species and flowering season. Learn some of our tips for Properly Pruning Hydrangeas!


• Shearing – Preformed when formalized hedges are present
• Thinning – Increases air and light penetration and encourages new growth.
• Hand Pruning – Generally performed on more sensitive plants, such as Boxwood, and Roses.
• Heading back – Controls the growth of some plants.
• Regenerative Pruning– includes major thinning, removal of mature canes, and reduction in overall size of plant material. This is typically only done in late winter and where reducing the overall size of mature plants is desired. It can be done to almost all shrubs with the exception of needled evergreens.
• Limbing up – Allows access and/or improves symmetry.
• Sucker removal – Improves plant vigor.
• Deadwooding – Improves appearance, safety, and general plant health.
• Perimeter Control – Trimming back vegetation and large tree limbs that intrude onto your property from nearby heavily wooded areas, enhancing safety and overall appearance.

Professional Grounds Commercial & HOA Landscape Management Services Include:

Mowing Services  |  Bed Prep & Mulching  |  Turf Applications & Weed Control  |  Plant Health Care (IPM Program)  |  Tree Services  |  Leaf Management  |  Aeration & Seeding  |  Irrigation Services  |  Commercial Landscape Design  

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